Thursday 13 June 2013

Tips for video marketing

Video does have SEO benefits for sure specially if you are looking to generate leads or sales from the content. In fact video is one of the best ways to market and statistics of video consumption show that.

Tips for Video Marketing

Regular updates

Tips for online video marketing
Contrary to common belief video content generation is one of the toughest tasks and therefore it takes a lot to be regular with your updates. As is the case with other content, if you are not regular why should the viewer or user invest time in seeing your videos. It is very essential to have a plan and a schedule for the video updates which you should adhere to. If you are consistent and patient you will see growth in the views and conversions as well. One caveat is that content of the videos should be relevant to your business and add value for the customer.

Do not waste too much time on edits

video editing old imageIf you have a strong script and a plan before you create a video you would not waste too much time in here by Channel 1.
editing the videos which is one of the area where most amount of time is spent when creating video content. There are other advantages of having scripts for your video which include that you are more confident about the content you are creating, the content is meaningful and tight and a script ensures that you keep the attention of the viewer. A more detailed post about the importance of a script for video content is posted

Pay attention to Audio

a animated gif without soundAudio is the most important component of the video. Try seeing a video without the audio and you would
realize the importance of audio in a video. Make an investment if you have to - buy a good microphone. In the future I would be posting recommendations for a microphone for building video content and I will try to recommend the best in every price range.

Make the video actionable - call to action

An online video should have a call to action. In fact you should never miss a chance to add a call to action to a video. Some examples of call to actions for videos are

  • asking the user to sign up for a newsletter
  • providing a link which the user can visit
  • asking the user to like the video
  • inviting comments on the video
  • sharing the video on social media or via email
  • subscribing to your video feed or video channel

Share your video on different platforms

Share your video content on all platforms available. Some of the best video content websites are
There are other video hosting sites in fact some video sharing websites are theme based for example Vevo and Break TV.

If you follow the tips in this post you can make good start in creating video content that is worthy of consumption. Your comments and ideas on the tips would be appreciated. 

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